The History of Our School

Oida Christian University is a multi-cultural multi-denominational and multi-ethnic institution dedicated to prepare men and women to fulfill the calling of Christ and the church.

We use the authority of the Scripture as the foundation to equip and prepare for the ministry. Oida Christian University strives for excellence in all the ministries in the service of Jesus Christ under the direction and power of the Holy Spirit.

In early 2006, under the vision of Pastor Wilfredo Feliciano was organized after several meetings with a Christian education program for reaching the local community of  Killeen and surrounding areas.Todo
comenzó bajo el nombre de Instituto Bíblico Oída (IBO) y para Septiembre del
2006 se comenzaron las clases en las facilidades de la Iglesia Cristiana Monte
The school started under the name Bible Institute Oida (IBO) and in February 2006 classes began in the facilities of the Mount Sinai Christian Church. Nuestra universidad ha estado
trabajando y equipando a líderes, ministros de esta comunidad con la enseñanza
de la Palabra de Dios; hace varios años (Enero 2009) el nombre de Oída cambió a
Central Christian University (CCU-Texas) bajo la cobertura del Dr. Juan Carlos
Amesty desde la ciudad de Orlando, Florida y estuvimos trabajando con ellos
hasta el 2011 mientras trabajábamos con los documentos legales con el estado de
Texas para incorporarnos e independizarnos como institución   .
Our  university has been working and equipping leaders, ministers of this community with the teaching of the Word of God; several years ago (January 2009) the Oida name changed to Central Christian University (CCU-Texas) under the covering of Dr. Juan Carlos Amesty from the city of Orlando, Florida and we were working with them until 2012 while working with legal documents with the state of Texas to incorporate us and become independent as an institution.

Bajo la dirección de hombres y mujeres llamados y equipados en la
educación cristiana, Oida Christian University ha ido creciendo con los años y
se ha convertido en un líder en la implementación de una educación superior por
el desarrollo de los nuevos programas para cubrir las necesidades de la iglesia
y de la comunidad cristiana, no solo en Central Texas sino también en otras
ciudades de los Estados Unidos a través del programa “online”.
Under the leadership of men and women called and equipped in Christian education, Oida Christian University has grown over the years and has become a leader in the implementation of higher education by developing new programs to meet the needs of the church and the Christian community, not only in Central Texas but also in other cities in the United States through the "online". Desde su inicio, Oida Christian University ha promovido la
iglesia local como el mecanismo a través del cual la gente de fe desarrolla una
fundación de sonidos en el evangelio del Jesucristo.
Since its inception, Oida Christian University has promoted the local church as the mechanism through which people of faith develops a sound foundation in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Oida Christian
University es una extensión de la iglesia y un compañero en la misión de
preparar a individuos que sean líderes sensibles y siervos de Dios.
Oida Christian University is an extension of the church and a partner in the mission to prepare individuals who are sensitive leaders and servants of God.


Office Hours

We can be reached during the following hours:


Tuesday-Thursday:  9 am - 4 pm

Fridays: 9 am- 3 pm


Closed from Saturday to Monday


You can still send an email to our institution after duty hours.


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© Iglesia Cristiana Monte Sinaí